College Infrastructure

Total Area of the College: 33142 Sq. feet

Total constructed Area of the College: 24157 Sq .feet


Facilities added during the last quarter of 2020-21 as following


S. No Details of   Particulars Size in Square feet
1. Class Room- 01 22feet 3inch x 31feet
2. Class Room- 02 22feet 3inch x 31feet
3. Class Room- 03 20feet x 31feet
4. Class Room- 04 20feet x 31feet
5. Multipurpose Hall 66feet  2inch x 31feet
6. Library 20feet x 31feet
7. Library Reading Room 20feet x 31feet
8. ICT Resource Centre 20feet x 31feet
9. Curriculum Laboratory- 01 20feet x 31feet
10. Curriculum Laboratory- 02 20feet x 31feet
11. Art and Craft Resource Centre 20feet x 31feet
12. Health and Physical Education 22feet 3inchx 31feet
13. Principal Office 20 feet x 14 feet
14. Staff  Room 20feet x 31feet
15. Administrative office 11 feet 3 inch x20 feet
16. Visitors Room 20feet 5 inch x 18 feet 11 inch
17. Common Room for Male 20feet x 31feet
18. Common Room for Female 20feet x 31feet
19. Seminar Room 22feet 3inch x 31feet
20. Canteen 11feet 6inch x 9feet 4 inch
21. Toilet for male 3 numbers each 11 feet 4 inch x 15 feet 4 inch
22. Toilet for Female 3 numbers each 11 feet 4 inch x 15 feet 4 inch
23. Store Rooms 2 numbers each 1.6 feet x 13.6 feet
24. And others useful rooms. Different sizes
25. Multipurpose Play Field Available